Anyone out there from the Tulsa area?
I live in Broken Arrow, and I'm in the process of having my appts for the cardiologist, psychologist, and pulmonologist and then will be looking forward to a surgery date. I am going to Dr. Kevin Fisher at Surgical Associates in Tulsa. Has anyone had any experience with this office? Thanks in advance.
hi staci... i live in sapulpa and thought i would stop in and say hi... do you belong to any groups yet? if not you need to check us out... i will email you the information... we have a lot of fun when we get together and we walk at the mall every saturday morning as a group
doesnt matter if you have had the surgery or not yet, but we would love for you to come and join us and get to know everyone 

Hi Staci,
Dr. Fisher has done friends of mine. I see Dr. Katsis at Surg. Assoc. They have a message board of sorts. It's kind of different. All emails sent to the group actually come into everyone's home email. As you get more familiar with it, you will know that if you are going to talk about something personal, you would email them privately at home cause everyone gets the same copy you do and is equally able to read all emails. Every subject you can imagine has been discussed. It's super helpful. We can just yap and yap.
Have you attended any of the support meetings yet? I think the next one is the second Tuesday of September and in a new building....I want to say the Natalie Bldg. Anyway, you have to email Tracy and ask to be invited. NOT TO THE MEETING ~ BUT SO YOU CAN GET THE EMAILS. I GUESS I SHOULD MAKE MYSELF CLEAR! Sometimes I just get to typing away and if I don't check myself I don't make any sense!
Here's her address: [email protected]. She will help you out. It's for patients of Docs Fischer and Katsis. I am getting ready for lap banding. Today is my 6 weeks of no smoking
(required before Dr. Katsis will do surgery). I have 5 pounds to lose and then I am ready!
Are you having RNY or lap banding? Talk to you soon. Vanessa in Claremore

Hi Vanessa, I'm having RNY. I was originally going to go to Dr. Katsis, but they accidentally made my first appt. with Dr. Fisher. I didn't want to wait for it to be rescheduled, so I saw him, and he was great. I went to the August support group meeting at Surgical Associates, and I'm planning on being at the September meeting too, and yes, it IS at the Natalie Building. They are supposed to be doing a clothing exchange this time. I filled out a paper when I was at the office on the 22nd to have them give me the info for the website, but I haven't received it yet. Thanks for Tracy's email. I never know who to talk to when I call there!
Dr. Fisher told me he would not require me to lose any weight, just told me NOT to gain any! I've had my first pre-surgical appt and saw the Cardiologist today. I've got my psych and pulmonary exams next week.
Will you be at the September support group meeting?
I am hoping to be able to go to the September meeting. The meetings mean alot to me. The August meeting I was completely ready, dressed, had actually done my hair and nails and makeup which is rare. I was in the truck ready to pull out of the driveway and something came up at the last minute that couldn't be avoided. That's life...sometimes you get thrown a curveball. I was extremely disappointed
because at that time I was not even halfways through the quit smoking thing. I really felt I needed the meeting just to encourage me to hang in there. The ones who have had their surgery and looking great are such an inspiration to me. The older ones offer wisdom. The younger ones offer fresh minds. All offer an eagerness to share. I don't go out much except to the grocery store and the majority of the time, my husband goes in. I do part time jobs which end up being more than part time. I am the office manager (glorified secretary) at Christian Women's Alliance Int'l.,Inc,. I have worked there 6 years, but starting last September when we bought our house, I tried to resign. My boss asked me to stay and at least work from home. She is an awesome lady and I love her alot. I think (and she is hoping) that after my surgery, I will feel great enough to maybe begin going back to the office and even getting involved again with the women's meetings. I've withdrawn from all social life. I work doing landscaping, do yard maintenace and courier for a lady who is a friend of know banking, UPS store, cleaners, post office, shopping, pick up business mail, repair jewelry, assemble furniture, girl Friday, anything she needs done, except I don't clean house or detail her Lexus...someone else gets to do that!!! Not boring at all cause there is a variety and things are never the exact same thing over and over. Get a gas allowance also which more than covers gas. Thank God cause I drive a 2004 Big Dodge QuadCab Truck....guzzle, guzzle, guzzle. I feel like I should say, "Oh,'ve only went 10 miles and your thristy again?"........geeze....12.5 miles to the gallon. Is that pathetic or what? We were "supposed" to get way more than that according to the sticker.....wrong!! Oh well. Maybe someday when I'm smaller I can get a VW bug. I would enjoy not having to ever be concerned about how much I'm spending on gas.
So, you didn't have to lose any weight? I wonder why I did?
I met a guy at the July meeting and he was weighing me cause I didn't know how to work the scales. He said he didn't have to lose weight before surgery either. It is possible the reason I did, is so they would know I was serious. I think Sheri (Dr. Katsis' cma) doubted me at first cause when she talked to me about exercising.......I first thought, "Are you nuts"?
Then, after the thought ~ something actually came out of my mouth.
I stay in pain, especially one knee from a landscaping accident in November of 04. Weight makes it worse. I cannot completely walk through Walmart without sitting down...on dog food, in a restroom, against a meat case, anywhere. So, how can I head out to the track and walk? I can't. She suggested YWCA ~ this is where she really lost me
My mind thought...."Good Lord, wear a swim suit outside my house?
Let me think about it.......NO!!!! I won't even wear it inside the house". Again, after the thought I opened my mouth. I said, "If I HAD to go to a public pool in a bathing suit to be able to have my surgery, I would not have my surgery". I think she thought I wasn't serious, but perhaps she has never experienced what can happen when a fat lady does this. It's brutal. I can't think of any scenario where I would do that....a million dollars....I'd have to think about it.....for real!
Oh, there's It's something I want to tell you that happened to me so it won't happen to you. It's important and can save alot of time. Once you've done cardio, pulmonary, sleep studies, sure to do follow up calls and ask what date they sent the results to Dr. Fischer's office? Get the name of whoever you talk to and write down the date. Then, when you have all that information, call Tracy I guess ....I'm not positive on this...I call Sheri cause she's Dr. Katsis' cma. But, definitely confirm that Dr. Fischer has received each and everyone of your test results. I "assumed" all was done, but Sheri told me she was missing something from pulmonary or cardio...I forget which one....they said they had already sent it on a certain date....I just asked them to please send it again and they were very willing to do that.
Also, I didn't go to Laurette for psych cause they wouldn't accept my insurance. Sheri gave me the name of another person and I went to her. We discussed price, payment, sessions and I spoke with her accountant/office gal. She called my insurance company and gave them codes and asked what they would cover. They told her how much I had to copay. I had 2 sessions and paid my money at each one in cash. I DID NOT GET A RECEIPT...THE FIRST TIME CAUSE I THOUGHT I'D NEVER HAVE A PROBLEM...THE SECOND TIME CAUSE SHE WAS RUSHING CAUSE HER NEXT APPOINTMENT WAS WAITING IN THE LOBBY. I had paid everything in full that I owed. This was probably back around March or April...just in the last month, I received a bill for $110. I am currently trying to get it resolved.
Stay on top of things...makes notes of dates, people's names when you talk to, doctor's office, accounting/billing people.
I am 52...a young at heart 52. My granddaughter came May 8th to live with us. She's from Colorado and turned 17 on June 23rd. She is reviving my youth. We're super close. She is inspirational beyond words. When my mom died June 26th, Devyn was right there "trying" to get her arms around me. She helped me get through the entire ordeal. I have my youngest son Christian, living at home. He's 30 and has gained alot of weight. He is working on getting approved for Social Security disability. He hopes to have WLS. He fights depression, has PTSD, various physical health issues and stays in his room most of the time. He's not a weirdo, actually tenderhearted. He feels if he could have WLS, he would lose weight and become healthier. Then, he thought maybe he could get some more college or vocational school training and get his own place eventually. My oldest son, Larry (my granddaughter's dad) will be 36 next month. He lives in Arkansas with his girlfriend and by his grandparents. His dad died in November at age 53 very unexpectedly in my son's living room. He's went through a hard time, but just recently went into a business venture. His grandmother helped financially back it. He has 5 kids, one here, another one in Colorado and 3 boys with him. Oh, yes I have a husband also named Ray. And.........2 mini doxies named Grover and Peewee who are (as I tell the grandkids) getting married in October and make babies. Our 3rd dog is Lady and she is a doxie (weiner) mix and huge. She weighs over 40 pounds. I've tried all sorts of diets and nothing is working. She's getting old and sure needs to lose weight. It's kind of pitiful.
How old are you? Married, kids, share whatever you'd like. I'd love to hear anything! Thanks for writing me back. Vanessa in Claremore

Hi Vanessa,
I don't know why I wasn't required to lose any weight. It may have been my weight to height ratio. I'm 4'11" and weigh 210.5. I had my cardio appt last week, and my pulmonology appt yesterday. They both said my heart and lungs look great. I didn't even have to have blood gasses drawn. I was really NOT looking forward to it. I have my psych tomorrow at Laureate, and after a couple of days I will begin calling to see if the results have been sent. Dr. Fisher's nurse, Anita, called me today to tell me they sent everything to my insurance company today. I guess since BCBS Fed doesn't pre-approve, they just want proof that it is a covered service. I have no idea how long that could take. I'll wait a couple of weeks and then call to check on it.
I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend!