Extra skin
Okay, here I am once again.......I have yet another question and would love to hear how you other ladies dealt with this issue. Many things have changed for me before surgery and after surgery as well. Negative body image has always been a problem for me. Growing up overweight, parents making you feel terrible about your size, kids being cruel.......That was difficult to overcome. Well, before surgery I met a great guy, he is much younger than I, we got along well, he knew about my upcoming surgery and everything about it. However, since surgery we have gotten very close, friendship has changed into more. Trouble is, he lives overseas and is getting ready to visit. I don't know what to do!! I am dealing with my extra skin as best as I can, but face it ladies, it is not attractive. How do you overcome this within yourself? I know that if someone loves you, they will love you unconditionally, but I need to feel comfortable within myself. Any suggestions, inspirational words, anything at all???????? Please????????? I will be most grateful for any advice I can get. Thanks
i would say to begin to love who you are now no matter what you look like with excess skin... you have come a long way to become the person you were always meant to be
you have done a great job to get to this point and im sure you will continue to do... just talk to him and let him know how you feel about it and just be honest with him and with yourself... but learn to love where you are now as each day is part of the journey... you are in the process of becoming the beautiful butterfly one day soon

Well, the good thing, he already knows you, and knows about the surgery, sometimes that is the hardest obstacle to overcome. Skin or no skin, I bet you feel healthier than you have in years, and it will show. I would be so excited if I were you!! Good luck, if he's as great a guy as he sounds, he will be thrilled about your weight loss, and not worry about the rest

Would it sound corny to say: Communication is your best answer?! Talk to the guy. Let him know what your concerns are. I will bet anything he will say it doesn't matter to him. Look at it as an accomplishment!! You have lost that much to have loose skin!
If your relationship has progressed to the bedroom, treat yourself to a real pretty nighty and let him know you are more comfortable with it on!
You have done great and this is a small hurdle you can easily leap over. Keep your chin up!