1 year post op hunger
Recently I have noticed that I am hungry a lot more often. I always focus on my protein, then veggies, keeping all low fat and healthy with small portions. I exercise five days a week, drink my water, stay away from sweets and watch any other sugars in my diet. I am terrified!! Is this hunger normal? I had the roux-n-y procedure a year ago. I knew the hunger might increase but I don't want it to get out of control! Any suggestions? Help? Someone?
Shirl, Don't panic, this is perfectly normal.
From what I learned from post-ops that are 2-4 years out in my support group, You will have a certain "honeymoon" peried where even if you didn't eat healthy and exercise, you would still loose weight. Most of those people a few years out said that they were not hungry during that time. After a certain time though, you WILL start to have hunger again. This is another topic we talked about, should you eat until you feel full or eat until you are satisfied? I think we thought that trying to eat until you are satsified is better, because, although your pouch will tell you when it has had enough, after the honeymoon peried, it might start to allow more in if that is what you relied on to tell you to stop. By useing your honeymoon time to learn healthy habits, you will be more successful in not going back to bad habits!
I don't think you have too much to worry, because you have been doing awesome your first year and have learned both, healthy eating and exercising habits.
I hope this helps!

ok...4 years postop - if I choose 2 eggs, fried over medium (solid white, runny yolk) and 3 potatoes (medium, red) shredded into hash browns and fried - and then chop the soft egg up into the potatoes after they are cooked. Packed down - that's about 2 and 1/2 cups of solid food.
Now here's the ticket - I can eat it ALL - it chews down to nothing and the potato helps slide the dense eggs on through.
Now if I take 3 eggs and add a 1/3 cup of cheese (make an omelet) - I usually can't fini**** all - most, but not the last couple bites.
If it is steak or chicken and steamed veggies I can eat about 3 or 4 ounces of meat and about 3/4 cup veggies.
If I eat just cheese? 4 ounces usually leaves me comfortable - not stuffed, but comfy.
And if I eat 3 times a day - I make worse choices AND eat more over-all than if I eat 6 smaller meals. Also the faster I eat, the faster I get comfortably full. I don't dally over my meals. I chew well, but I finish - I don't have dinner 'conversation' or put my fork down and wait 5 minutes between bites. I don't shovel the food in, but I eat until I'm done.
The ticket for ME is: (1) density of the food (2) how it's prepared (3) how often I eat (4) how slowly/fast I eat.
Have no idea if this is helpful......hugs, Toots