packing items suggestions..?
Thought it would be nice to give those going for surgery a packing list, please add on if you think of something you needed.
cushie or curved pillow for neck (will have to sleep on back)
Favorite lotion or body spray (surgery smell)
head band to keep your hair back and neat
baby wipes, hard to get to peri-area
music, I couldn't read due to pain medicine and anesthesia
small pillow for coughing in case they don't give one. OSU's was too big and hard
Good-Luck to all those going in for surgery. Melisa
Kettering Hospital hooked me up nicely. All I needed was a toothbrush and hairbrush and some shampoo for when I showered. I had little ambition for much else. I used another hospital gown for a robe and they provided the wipes.
The one vital item you forgot was ear plugs, because the hospital is no place to get a good night's rest.