2 1/2 weeks post-op
A little worried I haven't been able to get any food in me and not much fluid. Just not hungry and having trouble forcing myself. will talk to the Doctor office tomorrow.
Just a note to those going into surgery, please prepare yourself for a potential 10-15 # weight gain due to IV fluids and lots of bloating. I felt 10 months pregnant if that were possible. It did relieve itself in about one week after surgery and I felt MUCH better. Just something I thought you should prepare yourself for as I had a difficult time reaching areas to get clean. You may want to purchase some baby wipes. The worse was my period started the day before surgery!!!! AHHHH Keep moving around as much as you can to prevent blood clots and to get rid of fluid.
The dry mouth was the most uncomforatble experience due to the anesthesia, Ice chips helped. You may want to ask if you can bring in your own cugar-free popsicles or suck on a sugar free sucker. Don't forget LIP BALM!!!!!!!!