I could really use some advice
Hi everyone!! I am almost 5 years post op, and have maintained 120 lbs for almost 4 years. I have had some problems, but nothing major until now!!!!! I need some advice fast. For the last few weeks I have felt like i was loosing my mind. I have been married for 15 years to an OTR trucker that I see maybe 12 days a year. Up until now it hadnt bothered me, but the last few weeks, I have been expeiencing I guess the best way to describe it is hyper elevated puberty. I mean my palms sweat, I day dream, I have hot flashes where I swear my blood is boiling. Just the caller Id showing his number makes me excited and break into and anxiety attack? This is not normal.I am experiencing a very high sex drive. Not toward my husband though, actually the thought of being with him bothers me???? I am not sure if it is something like peri-menopause or not. Symptoms sound like it though. I was wondering has anyone else reached this point and are they able to take things estroven (pills) and absorbe them well?? Is there something I can do nutritionaly to help curb the aggression and drive before I do something I regret. I need to find a supplement or nutritional way to curb the Menopausal symptoms!!!! HELP!!!! any advice would be great.
Hi there,
Thanks for the response. I did infact go to the doc, and yes she said 'Welcome to old age!' This form of puberty seems to be normal but my feelings for my husband are a bit more deep seeded I am affraid. I will try working them out in other ways, but until then thanks for the help!! I guess now all I can do is deal with the flashes and such... doc said there may very well be a problem with absorbtion for the pills so I am going to try to deal with it nutritionaly for now. Rather than the pain of stomach rejection.