My surgery is in 2 days... any advice??
You are in excellent hands. I am one of Dr Mikami's patients. I had my surgery 1 yr ago. He is just the best.
I would advise you to take a pillow from home. When I was there they were running short, and I needed the extra pillows to be comfortable. I brought 2. Chapstick is another item. Your lips might get chapped.
Best wishes on a speedy recovery.
Zowie, I love your name. I'm wishing you the best on your surgery. I to have surgery on the fourth. I can't think what to take to the hospital today. I'm just all off. I'm to excited! But I was told to take my surgery notebook and read all the info again. I'm just going to use a hospital gown. I went shopping today for a robe. I forgot to get one. They say to take your chap stick cause your lips get real dry. I'd say take anything that makes you feel comfortable. I'll be looking forward to your post on the other side. Best wishes and God bless. Deb