I did that a month ago.. Drank 2 bottles...nothing happened for me. Glad it worked for you though.
I am just glad I have my colonoscopy scheduled in May. I want to get to the answer to the problem. I am currently doing a 3 week colon cleansing regimen my surgeon suggested. You can but it a GNC. They said something about after you have surgery, the meds and stuff can get your digestive system out of whack. This is suppose to help balance it back out.
Wish me luck!
PS. I am glad things are going well for you Lisa. I have read your posts. Best wishes to you sweetie.
Other ideas for severe constipation are.
The fiber as Dr. Curry suggested but it has to be consistent and everyday, as well as the mineral oil, and a stool softener such as colace. If you are taking additional iron supplementation and your levels are normal you may want to stick with the iron in the multi vitamin alone and stop additional replacement until this resolves. All of the above take awhile to work so consistency is the key. I agree if these measure are not working then colonscopy is indicated. Also probiotics to replace normal bacterial flora can also be very helpful and also can be found at GNC. Colon cleasing is ok but addressing the reason you have firm stools needs to happen as well.
Hope this helps.
Dr. Selwyn
UC Center for Surgical Weight Loss
[email protected]
Thank you Dr Selwyn.
They are doing blood work on me to make sure my Iron levels are good. In the mean time I have stopped taking the prenatal and on Centrum Complete until they tell me otherwise per instructions. The colon cleansing regimen consists the last week of the probiotics. So I think I am on the right track right now. Since I had a BM last night and today.... something I started this week must have worked. I increased my fiber and started the colon cleansing.
I appreciate your response.
Have a great day!
Dear Julie,
Saw your post and before you give up all hope, my wife had Gastric Bypass surgery in January 1998. She had experienced boutss of constipation in the past. As you know, your system is now delicately balanced. Too much protein can actually bind you up. When this happens to my wife, she simply adds olives or some other source of fat to her diet to help get things movings. Once things start to go, she cuts back on the extra fat until her BM's normalize.
Take a look at what you are eating, you may find that your diet has swung towards more protein rather than a balanced program.
Give it a try, you have nothing to lose and only something to get out!:)
Dennis Radecky