Place your bets here!
Hello all,
Life is crazy and I'm never here anymore.
Just wanted to post a quick update - I had the "big ultrasound" last week. However, we didn't find out the sex (on purpose! I love happy suprises!) I'm 21.5 weeks now and have amazingly not gained any weight so far. I must say I am pretty stoked about that, considering I have an empty band. I am sure it won't last much longer, but it was nice while it did.
I did finally scan in the latest ultrasound pics. Our little one was being quite shy (and was in a head down, face down position) and wouldn't give us a good picture, but hopefully you can make something out. So... what do you think? Boy or Girl!? I can't wait to find out for sure!! Hurry up August!!
Hope you all are doing WONDERFULLY.