Is this Pre exsisting
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this is consider pre-exsisting? I went to the Dr for my first consult and I have Medicaid but I will be getting off of medicaid with in the next month so I asked them to hold off on the approval letter untill I get new insurance. But I'm wondering now because I saw him once and they will have to bill for that visit will my new insurance say that this was pre-exsisting and not appove me for the surgery? If anyone knows please let me know. I want this surgery so bad and don't want to do anything to screw it up. Thank You for reading!
For a majority of the insurance companies, pre-existing conditions only apply if there is a lapse in coverage for a specified amount of time. However, if you have had non-stop insurance coverage-with any carrier, for the past few years (usually aprox. 6 months-2 years) then you should be fine.
Tracy Burch
Insurance Coordinator
Dr. Trace Curry's office