Chris W..Is Dayton meeting?
I don't think there was any final decision, since Jill couldn't make it on the weekend. Never did hear anything from Lise. Not sure about Robin either. Someone else make the decision. PLEASE!!! I am willing to do whatever everybody else wants to do. I think there is more talk about a weekday evening than anything else, but the weekend is probably better for Laura. Don't make me decide!!! Chris
Well, you and Caren can meet me and Laura for brunch tomorrow and then we can meet for bowling some evening this week with Jill
Ok..maybe not can't get an open lane this time of year anyway. Jill, since your schedule is name a time that you would like to meet.
I'll be there at 11:30 tomorrow for a cookie and a mocha latte. heard me...A COOKIE!
PS..I'm not obese anymore!!!!! Only overweight