Prayers needed Please pass it on..
My grandson is almost 2 years old and has been through a lot of tests to find out whats been wrong with him. The neurologist called and said that he does have a mass in his brain, and they are unsure whether it is benign or malignant. He is having a biopsy done tomorrow at Childrens and we should know more. I need you all to pass this prayer request along to everyone you know so we can get the healing prayers flowing his way.
I Love you all and Appreciate this so much.
Thank you all for the prayers and Happy Healing thoughts you are sending his way. We travel to Akron on Monday to see the specialist who will let us know what the next step is.. My money is wearing thin and this is another trip I cant afford to make, but my daughter has no other way there and I have to be there with her.
Please continue to pray for my family that we can make it through this tough time.
Lots of Love