I Passed Blood in my Bowels
I had this happena few years ago. I had a few polops and internal hemroids. . But I had a a exciame before my surgery and there wasnt anymore in there. I had like a diarrea. and when I wiped I noticed fresh blood. Now it has stopped. I dont know if this has happpend to anyone else. Maybe I have been over doing it. But I am not going to bother the doctor. I will keep an eye on it if it happens again I will call. I have been cleaning all morning. I think I may have the internal hemroids flarring up.
The colonoscpis was easy. its the stupid stuff we have to drink and enema we have to do the day before, drizzlies all day and night, I think I lost 44lbs just from the day before. lol ITS A breese when the first day was over, I have had 4 . My died with colon cancer.We all need to get it checked. good luck
Please go to your doctor! Even if they look and it is only a hemorrhoid it is worth knowing that now, instead of finding cancer when the bleeding starts again. I have a good friend who is 43, and that was how they found her colon cancer. She passed it off for a few months, and now is in the fight for her life. You are worth the dread of another colonoscopy!!
I had the same probably, its from doing to much andthe pressure and the straining will break a little vessel and it bleds a little. I think if if didn't strain and push so hard it would be normal, When we are constpated so much we push hard don't we? Am I the only one? I hsf my first little glass of wine and I am lit. One small drink,wow. I better leave for bed now, No more drinks for this stoma,love,Cindy
Barb--I bet this isn't serious. I used to work in medicine, and the general rule about red blood is that it isn't coming from your tract--it's something external or almost external--like that small blood vessel mentioned. If it comes from your intestines or bowel it shows up as a very black stool, sort of smeary-soft. But you can't see anything red, if it's "high-up" blood...so my vote is that it is not a biggie. But...you really should have it checked out, if it continues to happen, just to be safe. Hugs.