Any "like" experiences out there?

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/05 10:13 pm -'Beach, VA
**NOTE** I also posted this to the main board, but a very nice lady (thanks, Cindy H. ) suggested that I post it here too. She felt that I might find answers from the OHIO board as well. Hello gals and guys ~ The strangest thing happened to me last night. Actually, it's not extremely strange, since this has happened before****asionally) since my WLS 3 years ago. The difference? ... before, I always tied it into not having eaten recently and being on the go nonstop. I met Paul (my hubby) at the travel agency yesterday at 11:00 - we're trying to book our FIRST Cruise for February. Before leaving, I had 2 protein shakes and deliberately did NOT eat because I'm trying to lose the 3lbs from Thanksgiving. I planned ahead though and took a low carb bagel with me, just in case I started getting the shakes. After we were done at the TA, I hit the Mall and started Christmas shopping. Spent four hours there bumming around, looking, walking, shopping, etc. Never felt the need to eat - no shakes, no hunger, nada. It's amazing how little I wanna graze when I'm NOT just sitting around, ya know? Anyway - got home at 4:30 and started dinner. Paul was in the mood for home made chili, easy enough. I still felt great; not hungry, not weak, dizzy, etc., but I figured I should munch on something while making dinner. Grabbed my low carb bagel and ate half of it just to get something into my system. Two hours later we sat down and had dinner - big bowl of chili, with onions, shredded cheese and sour cream, yum!! Ive eaten it this way ALL my life, including the last 3 years since surgery. I finished eating dinner, do the dishes, sit in the recliner and I'm veg'n for the night. About an HOUR later, still sitting down and on the laptop computer - I start feeling real heady, my heart is beating too fast, my hands start shaking, my vision is getting distorted. I can't focus on anything AND my brain starts to have a melt down of sorts. Literally. I was in the process of updating my AOL calendar with things I need to take care of next week, as I'm plugging in one of the reminders - I draw a blank. I can't even remember why I'm there or what I was doing. I shake my head a few times, trying to recollect my thoughts. I start updating again - then fade out - once again I'm staring at the screen and can't remember WHY I'm there. My hands are shaking so bad that I can't even get any key strokes out. Paul, in the mean time is starting to panic. He tells me to sit back and recline, tries wiping my brow (at this point, I'm sweating so bad, it's beading up). While he's talking to me, keeping me calm, he tries to rub my arm so that I know he's nearby. Just his gentle touch HURT, it felt like fire. I flinched, pulled away, tried to stand up - he runs over to help me.... good thing, I fell flat on my ass. At this point, everything hurts, including the clothes on my body. Right smack in the middle of my living room floor - I start flinging clothes OFF, can't get the long sleeved shirt off fast enough. Paul runs upstairs to get me a tank top and shorts and I'm sitting there drenched and in a DRUGGED UP and state'a mind. He helps me back up into the recliner and I stay there for another hour trying to regain my composure. The sweats, the hot flashes, rapid heart beat, the shakes, etc ALL subsides but I never come out of the FOG completely. We went to bed about 2 hours later and although I felt a 100 times BETTER, I still felt like I was in a drugged stupor. I've had these types of "moments" before over the last three years - but I've always been able to equate it to NOT eating. IF I feel it coming on, I just have to eat something and within 10 minutes, I feel great. I always assumed it was "low blood pressure" related and went on my merry way. What worries me about last night, is that it happened LONG AFTER I'd already eaten and fueled my body -and- while I was just relaxing. Also, what I'd eaten was actually good healthy food choices, so it shouldn't have spiked my blood pressure in anyway, right? Last night *seemed* like I was in a stage of insulin shock. No, I'm not a diabetic, never even close at 400 lbs. However, my step-mother was a "brittle diabetic" with 4 shots a day. She went into insulin shock 100's of times, and ended up in the hospital in an insulin coma several times, one of which eventually killed her. The symptoms she experienced, pretty much mirrored what I went through last night. Of course this is all based on "Lei Logic" and nothing else. WTFRICK happened to me? Anyone have any idea?!? As far as making an appointment with my PCP? These are my two choices - I can either GO to the EMERGENCY room, if I think I need to be seen now. Or I can schedule an appointment through Tricare Prime (insurance carrier) to see my PCP. Earliest appointment is 3 weeks from now, and I'll be in Washington State by then for the Holidays. Unless there is a cancellation between now and then, but I'd have to call daily and HOPE. Sheeeeeeeeeez! I don't consider it an emergency TODAY. Was last night one? Maybe? Probably? ....who knows. I can say it scared me enough to type out this really long post in hopes someone has a clue. Are there any "like experiences" out there? Lei
Moma V.
on 11/29/05 10:54 pm - Frogtown, OH
[[[[[[Lei]]]]]] my friend.. weird for sure since you did eat before it happened. I get like that when I do not eat.. low blood sugar.. hypoglycemia I think it's called I need to dye my hair blonde. HMmm I got the word right Once in a while, even after eating I get real dizzy like I'm having a low blood sugar moment.. that makes me weird for sure Usually or should I say, so far the moment passes fairly quickly, I just sit down, before I fall down.. go ooo my like a buzz w/o a drink Anyways, Here's what I found when I did a search on low blood sugar. just type in low blood sugar, there's much info about it. There is fasting and non-fasting hypoglycemia's, didn't know that myself, but I do now. ! What is hypoglycemia? Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. It occurs when the level of sugar, or glucose, in the blood drops too low to fuel the body. Hypoglycemia is not a disease but a condition that results from a variety of causes. The main types of hypoglycemia are: Fasting hypoglycemia. This type occurs when you have not eaten for many hours, such as overnight. It is frequently associated with having too much insulin in the blood (hyperinsulinism), some medications, alcohol use, hereditary problems with the metabolizing of carbohydrates, and other health conditions. Nonfasting (also called reactive or postprandial) hypoglycemia. This type develops within 3 to 4 hours of eating. It can be caused by hereditary enzyme deficiencies such as galactosemia or by surgery to remove all or part of the stomach. Sometimes the cause is unknown. Nonfasting hypoglycemia within 1 to 2 hours after a meal can occur if stomach contents empty into the intestines too rapidly (alimentary hypoglycemia). Fasting hypoglycemia may develop because of a serious underlying condition, while nonfasting hypoglycemia (if you haven't had previous intestinal surgery) does not involve serious illness. Love ya, take care and keep ME posted.. Yanno I'd answer huh?
(deactivated member)
on 11/30/05 2:06 am -'Beach, VA
Hello Vickie!! LOL - I never "assume" my friends will respond, but I love it when they do. It just reminds me how SPECIAL my life truly is, to have people like YOU in it!! The symptoms you described experiencing is what I "normally" experience too - which is why last night freaked me out so bad. Normally, its light headed, some shaking, mild sweating, etc. Last night, it was all of that, but intensified to the EXTREME. Another new aspect of it all, was the fact that I became so LOST in my thoughts. I stared at my computer screen for the longest time, trying to will myself to remember WHY I was there and what I was doing, and just drew a blank. To lose control of my senses and my brain waves scared the bageezus outta me. This part of your post pretty much nailed my experience: "Nonfasting hypoglycemia within 1 to 2 hours after a meal can occur if stomach contents empty into the intestines too rapidly (alimentary hypoglycemia)." ........looks like I need to do some googlin' of my own, huh? Thanks for your reply, sweet thang - hope life is treating you well? Hugs - Lei
Moma V.
on 11/30/05 2:31 am - Frogtown, OH
life is treating me well or as well as can be. I am 1 yr old now! Last week! WooT, I graduated to the GRAD board now -171 total or there abouts.. can't weigh daily it'll drive me Except for you being a bit taller, we're about the same place.. only me -PS, so soon I'm going to start that fight.. terrible backaches, can't get them over-the-shoulder-boulderholders to fix just right, pay big $ for the good ones too, but still OUCH! what a pita this is. I talked to my ins co. took two weeks for me to get through to enrollment, only to be told I do not qualify to change to a HMO, that only takes 3 days for approval vs 6-12 months.. oh I do qualify, BUT then I risk my SS benefits being cut I so don't get it, I am on SS because I am legally disabled, but have to wait a year or yrs to get treatment for the things I am disabled for? for sure. Time to write my Senator again although I haven't started the process yet.. I will be soon. BTW, I was reading the responses you received from the main MB.. early menopause too, although I had a total hysterectomy, over 10 yrs ago, I never went through it then, but now.. yeppers I am of that age, so it could be either or.. suppose we should both consult a Dr ? ack, I'm still just as bad at going to the Dr. now than I was before. hugs, me the one
(deactivated member)
on 11/30/05 7:25 pm -'Beach, VA
WOW - down a 170 lbs?!?!? That is flippin' AWESOME woman!!! Where the heck are the recent photos? hmmmm? You know Lei, she' loves her photos! I jumped over to your profile to check, but the most recent one was at 5 (or 6?) months post op. LOL - I had to kinda chuckle when I scrolled all the way to the very bottom, the place that OH provides for the B/A photos and of course there was your BEFORE but no AFTER. I know you're very busy, helping behind the scenes, but isnt it always "us" that we NEGLECT first? LOL, as talented as you are and as savvy as you are with HTML and you don't have any time left at the end of the day for YOU or your profile photo updates. Boy oh' boy do I understand - it's like being a momma and a wife, by the time we're finished taking care of our youngins and our men, who the heck has time (or energy) left to take care of "us". Anyway - I wanna see some new photos missy! Luv ya' -- ME! btw - you're right, that is STUPID'O, as far as disability and insurance, etc. Typical "government" kinda rational.
Moma V.
on 11/30/05 8:32 pm - Frogtown, OH
Thank you! Let's get in each other's closets Yep busy behind the scenes and life! Kid, work, this site, etc. I still neglect me, I dumped everything on my agenda last night and made me time and went to the gym. Life's been and I've not been going as much as I like to. Hey the MB pic isn't that old, couple months is all. Self-portrait, good angle, can't see my turkey neck I actually have 1 yr photo's that I do not like on my computer.. ack my sons a terrible photographer.. He always cut's me off. I'll try to get them onto my profile tonight.. late, got a support meeting after work. Maybe I'll even have my son take different ones tonight to put up instead. New pic's soon! love ya, me
on 11/30/05 5:42 am - Cleveland, OH
Dear Lei, That would have scared me too. I sometimes get dizzy and my memory... geeze, sometimes I walk into a room and forget what I was going to do in there. I sometimes don't get a lot of sleep and pretty much like to blame that. What you described would bother me enough to go to the Dr and I really really really hate going to the Dr. The answers you already got sound logical. Please let us know what happens and I promise, I will pray for you every night (and right now) Allison
(deactivated member)
on 11/30/05 7:05 pm -'Beach, VA
G'morning Allison - Thanks for your sweet response and prayers - they're much appreciated. Im glad to say, there was NO repeat last night and in all reality, I felt GREAT yesterday! Not sure what the heck was going on the night before, but I hope it's a one time kinda deal. I rec'd a lot of tips from the Main board and the Grads board and will be doing a lotta' "Google"ing over the next few days to research them further. Have a great day!! Lei
(deactivated member)
on 11/30/05 1:42 pm
Another thought here. This isn't to scare you, but some people have MS type symptoms after WLS including neuropathy (the clothing and touch hubeing painful can be a symptom of this) Usually it is caused from b deficiency. YOu may want to have your b vitamin levels checked just in case. If you have a deficiency you wouldn't want to put having that treated off because it can cause permanant neurological damage if not treated. THe good news is if this is caused from low vitamin levels, it is treatable if caught soon enough. Another thought is you may have has a form of dumping. My one question to you, though, is this. Were you dehydrated at all? If you were dehydrated, you could experience the same types of problems. I hope you don't have anymore experiences like this. Hugs, Jaimee
(deactivated member)
on 11/30/05 7:12 pm -'Beach, VA
G'morning Jaimee - Thank you for taking the time to respond with several thought provoking possibilities. lol, none of which scared me, I promise. Id rather have ALL the options out on the table so I can then start 'researching' and hopefully getting to the bottom of it. I recently had lab work ran (about 2 months ago) because of some upcoming plastic surgery I was about to undertake - I know that my B-12's were specifically looked at, but I don't know if that includes ALL the B's or just B-12 specifically - I'll have to pull out the lab work and ask the PCP about that one. I've always been VERY strict on myself when it comes to taking my vitamins (including a B12 sublingual every other day, B12 Shots montly, and a B-Complex, daily) so if Im lacking in it, it's gonna be a huge concern for me, because that means 3 years post op, my body is STILL not absorbing at the capacity I'd expect. Granted, Im a "distal" RNY, so I realized it would take longer for my system to readjust, but at 3 years out, Im hoping?!? Thanks for bringing that up - You can bet I'll be sure to look further into it. As far as dehydration goes? I don't believe I was. I tend to make myself drink a minimum of 100 oz of pure H20, daily, up and above the protien shakes and or coffee. LOL, granted "THAT" day, I didn't do a 100 oz, but I did get in the minimum of 64. Thanks again for responding, it's much appreciated. Hugs - Lei
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