OT: Skin Tags - do you have them?
and if so, how do you deal with them? Anyone try the "at home" removal? (strings, sterilized scissors... this is giving me chills just thinking about it... )
I know there is a chance of infection... but my grandma used to do this all the time and she's still alive to tell about it!
My dermatologist will do it, but I only see him once every six months (and he's booked solid until my next appt) and I want these GONE.
Melissa - I get a lot of them on my neck and around my eyes. I do the string method and it works and there is no pain, but they have to be large enough to get a piece of thread around the base. Tie it tight and the tab will fall off in a few days. With smaller ones I crush them with a pair of tweezers (the tab itself has no nerve endings) and they will die and fall off. Probably not the best method, but it works for me.
Good luck
Cindy B
These home remedies give me the willies! I had several on my neck and I had my gyn who is also a skin specialist remove them in his office this summer (derm. was booked solid for months). It was painless (he numbed the areas--novocain like the dentist was the worst part.). He "burned them off" left little charred ends and when they were gone within a few days--no more tagettes! e-mail me if you want his name/number.