Need appeal letter help
I'll e-mail mine this evening with the help of my freshman son. He's the computer guru who knows how to send attachments. I always referred to the case number assigned to the case and used their words from the denial letters. Is there a website for your insurance company that lists the policy exclusion language? Or the area that gives requirements that said you don't meet? If there's not a website ask them to fax you in writing the exact requirements and we'll use the NIH requirements to refute them. Luann
believe it or a Google search for
"insurance appeal letter"
That's what I did. there were several sites to visit. I looked at all of them until I found one with a letter that I could most easily adapt to my needs.
The main thing I noticed about the majority of the letters was that you need to "prove" to the company that you really are knowledgeable about the surgery!
goood luck, and don't give up!