What have I done????
Hello! I am just about 4 weeks out and have not gotten ill to the point of throwing up thank Goodness! Today, however I ate lunch, very slowly, chewed well, and have not felt well since. I feel terribly uncomfortable, like there is a lump in the top of my abdomen.....I can't eat dinner, I can drink and it goes down but this feeling is sooooo uncomfortable. What did I do? I fear I ate too solid of food perhaps....although my doctor encourages us to try new things as long as we are slow and chew well.....Please share your thoughts!
Thank you!
Michelle, that still happens to me at times, usually I can tell after a bite or two and I just stop and know that that is not going to work. Usually walking around helps some and then belching. I've had it happen that I try to drink after and all comes back up and sometimes that is quite a relief. You will get more familiar with how things feel, and if you feel that after a bite or so, just stop. The other thing to remember is that what works one day, doesn't necessarily work every time. sometimes something is dryer one time than another. Since this happened yesterday, I hope you feel better today, but if not, call your doctor, to be sure. chris
Thank you ladies.....
It did pass....I felt fine by morning.....I had eaten 1/2 of a toasted lo- carb whole wheat tortilla with sauce and a light sprinkle of cheese on top. I think I may have been a bit ahead of myself.....I will save such ventures for a few months from now! It was good going down but misery once it went there! LOL!!! I think I'll stick to yogurt and soup! (wink)