What a difference a Humidifier makes for my cpap ( Today I was GratefuL)
I have been trying for 2 months to sleep with this thing. I had all kinds of sinus problems allergies a cough all the time. Weak No energy a feeling like crap everyday. My doctor put a Humidifier on my Cpap and I felt so good today. I did so much work today. My house is spotless. This feels great. I think also I am releived that I have done all I had to do for the insurance. Now waiting on my answer. After waiting many times before making myself sick with worry. I think the Hurricane has made me think. Things could be so much worse, My heart hurts for all those. and I am not complaining today. I am grateful I am safe and my children are safe and my beautiful grandbabies are safe. I am so grateful. I have these so many good things in my life. May god take care of all.
Take Care