I'm Home!!!
I was only in there 2 nights. He let me go because I had no leaks and was up moving around like a mad woman. Now I am thinking I should have stayed another night. I am so tired and my back is sore. But other than that I seem to be OK. I still can only eat, well drink, about 2 oz at a time but I am keeping it down.
Yeah I had to call the Kathy yesterday because of feeling like I was constipated. So I am down to 1/2 a vacating a day and that was just before I went to bed yesterday to ease the pain enough to get to sleep. And let me tell you what a difference a day makes. Yesterday I was crying because of my lower back was hurting and every time I sneezed or coughed, even with my beautiful cough bear my angel, Vickie, gave me, I thought my insides were being ripped out. But this morning, 1:34 AM, I feel really good. Not my best, still out of breath just walking from the front room to the bathroom, but a lot better than yesterday. I still am not getting enough water but I a adding more. I did 32 oz yesterday. My food is still really low also only able to do about 2 oz for each meal. Even had to go back to beef broth last night because of my belly not liking the carnation instant breakfast after doing 3 meals of that I guess it had enough. I will try again this morning and we will see. I think I need to ask the doctor for something for heart burn. When I woke up my mouth tasted like I had just thrown up. Sorry for all the graphics. Just feels good to be able to sit here and write a little with out being in pain.