PS in Ohio
I know everyone is getting ready for the event in Cincy this weekend but I was wondering if there is anyone that has had plastics in Ohio and where should I look for a good surgeon. I know I'll be self pay so thats a consideration also.
I'm still 14 pounds from goal but have much hanging skin and want to at least get my tummy taken care of and thighs depending on cost.
Thanks all!!
Bev, this isn't exactly the answer to your question, but have you looked at the doc who advertises here on OH? He is Dr. Dennis Hurwitz of Pittsburgh. His ad is on the left of the main message board. I was very impressed with his information, his concept of body contouring, and he's within driving distance (sorta!). Go to his website and look at the pics. They are amazing.
I am a long way from needing PS, but I am certainly going to keep him in mind when I get to that point.
-108 incl pre op loss
After reading I think I will call OSU about it. I'm only an hour away from there. Also, the ad to the left sounds like he might be a guy to check out too. I wish I could get a ballpark cost for the Panni because I just know that my ins won't pay so I want to be prepared for what I'm going to have to pay out of pocket.
Hi Bev
It sounds as though you will not be attending the conference?
There are two very popular plastic surgeons attending and speaking at the event..both of these surgeons have alot of time in with bariatric patients.
Dr. Kurtis Martin and Dr. Jen Butterfield.
if Cinci isn't to far for you to come for the surgery..