Freedom...I'm nervous!!
Hello my online family,
Now that I'm nearly six weeks post-op, I've got freedom with food, and I seem to be snacking much too much lately. I've bought beef jerky and salted peanuts, which I adore, but I find once I start eating a few peanuts, I'll sit and eat the entire bag (and when I say "bag" I mean the individual zip-lock baggies I put together at home, NOT a bag that comes from the store!!!) I bought a half-pound of peanuts and I'm still working on them four days later.
What my brain is saying is this: "Well, Julie's feeding me healthy food, so I must be able to eat between meals." I wish I could be less "comfortable" with my snacking, and get back to the "I'm too afraid to eat" like I was a week ago.
Julie Lombardy, Akron OH
HAR!!! I'm sorry for laughing Julie...but I know exactly what you mean!!!
There was safety in not being "able" to eat, in not wanting to eat. Now is the time we have to develop that self-control. I seriously doubt you are eating "too much"'d be in pain if you were...but we really can never eat "unconsciously" again.
I sort of been having trouble because I keep comparing my weight loss to others who had their surgery when I did. I am not loosing nearly as fast as they I am trying not to freak out or give up.
I also do not get the dumping sugar doesn't make me sick. I don''t like sweet things, but there is always that fear that I will wake up to discover I've eaten a whole box of Ding Dongs or something!!!
The whole weight thing is never's just that now we achieve results for our efforts!
keep verbalizing your fears...they seem more manageable then.