The conference is almost here!!!
Hey folks, the conference is nearly here. We are about to close out the reduced rate of $31.00, I have extended it since Dr. Ganz is on the cruise and won't know the difference..shhhhhhh he he..
seriously I have to get the rest of the money in by the end of the week, but if you want to sign up by credit card or debit card you can contact me direct for an application.
After that you must sign up on line and pay the regular price or pay double at the door the day of the conference.
I can't wait to see you all there, it's going to be a blast!!!
woohoo yeppers I can't wait! Meeting everyone I've been talking to for so long.. Just the conference itself too! Yippee! I love the conferences, so much to learn, so many people to meet, so much -- I think we need a MidWest National Conference too, not just on the coasts.. so we can have MORE days of info and fun and meeting and greeting!
hugs, see ya soon!