How many Cincy Bandsters are around?
And would you be interested in getting together at a coffee shop or perhaps dinner (when I can eat food... he he) one night? I've never met anyone who has the band in real life other than my wonderful dietician Erin and I'd love to expand my repetoire! It doesn't seem that there are many of us that post here.
I'll coordinate if anyone is interested, let me know!
Great Ned!
Welcome aboard, You are in great hands!
Okay, I'll see what works for Cathy and I'll let you know! I know she's on the north side of town, what side are you on? It will probably have to be a weekend for me too b/c I work downtown M-F. Oh, and I am on liquids for a couple more weeks, so if it's okay, planning a little further out would be great! (Like perhaps the second week in August?)