face lift
I have to tell you all what I did. I made a big mistake and I was to embarrassed to tell you all. I need something to fix my lines on each side of my face. When I lost the weight I lost all my filler. I went to a Dr. to get a little shot and she talked me into a thing called a curl lift. Stupid me/ Wanting to spend 200 I ended up spending 3000. I was such a fool. I just said ok. I am so vaulnerable at this point I acted out of complete stupidity. She messed me up so badly. I ,6 weeks later,am still in terrible pain,2 large lumps on my face,and totally miserable. It all fell down anyway. I am trying to get my money back,lawyer, so I hope I do. Now I have to go to a plastic surgeon to get it fixed. I am just telling you all this so noone makes the terrible mistake I did. No one sould ever touch your face except a qualified PS. She is always on our local news,channel 9, and I since found out she didnt even take her boards but she says she is a dermatoligist. Excuse my spelling. I missed school the day they did the hard words. Thats my secret story . Oh by the way, she said I would be uncomfortable for 3 days. I am still in pain
Thanks Cathy. I hope you are feeling well. Yes it is also called a mini lift.
I hope and am going to get the word out. It is very invasive. She put a crochet needle in my face and then pulled the skin inside and up through my head and then stiches. Doesnt that sound nice? I wrote Carol Williams on channel 9 news and I hope I hear from her. Thanks and please take care and welcome to that other wonderful side
I just want to give you a (((big Hug))). I think we have all made hasty decisions. I hope everything turns out ok. Hopefully Dr. C will see this, if she is coming off as a dermatologist and did not even take her boards there should be something you can do about that, and Dr. C might be able to direct you in the right direction on how to get in touch with the medical board.