Liver Disease
Has anyone out there had surgery when they've been diagnoses with cirrhosis? I was diagnosis 3 years ago. This is a type of liver disease thst is the non-alcoholic type. I don't drink--just lucky enough to come up with this! I work full-time and my liver is doing well. I'm an RN and I watch my levels every three months when one is drawn. I need to get some weight off so that I can get back to living. I go to work, to church, and other than that I sit in my recliner. My knees kill me if I stand and I'm so ashamed I hide out at home. My work place has self-funded insurance with any WLS excluded so I'll have to self-pay. I'm willing, if only I can get someone to look at my case. I attended a seminar this week at King's Daughters in northern Ky. and was so excited about possibly having the Lap Band until the next to the last slide---NO LIVER DISEASE! It really gets you down. I just want to live!!
Try Dr. Fallang in Dayton. His practice is called The Surgical Weight Loss Center and his telephone number is 1-800-424-3533. I know he looks at people who have been turned down by other surgeons and is willing to evaluate each person individually. Its worth a try. He also does self pay. Good luck, Chris
Dear Ms Eldrdge:
Liver disease such as cirrhosis can be prohibitive depending on the extend or progression of the disease process. As you mentioned following your blood work and liver function are just some of the keys to a successful outcome. The band is contraindicated in liver disease more specifically due to the development of portal hypertension and esophageal varicies where the band will be placed. In conjuction with a liver specialist, it is possible to undergo surgery if all preoperative evaluation returns favorable. I would recommend having it done at a University Program with Liver specialists and Liver Surgeons available, but I admit I am biased. I have operated on several patients with cirrhosis and Pre and Post Liver Transplant patients if they meet strict criteria.
Dr. Selwyn
UC Center for Surgical Weight Loss