Getting A's In WLS! Free Presentation
Cathy, sorry to hear you will not be able to attend. I am speaking on Fri June 17 at the Butterfly Network support group at Bethesda Oak Hospital.
Also, ObesityHelp is coming to Cincinnati OH in Aug. I will be just one of many presenters that day. It is a good deal for the dollar, check it out at and go to events, look for Cincinnati.
If you are able to get a few friends to attend you can get a group rate. The fee of around $45 pays for the whole day, lunch and you have access to many vendors and products to check out.
Good Luck and I hope you can attend one of the upcoming sessions.
Brenda, I have misplaced your email - thought I had it saved and deleted your last message. So, I am contacting you through this thread.
Deaconess is interested in sending a group of people to the Aug event. However, they do not know how to register a block of people.
Please email me so we can communicate outside of this thread. I will be able to give you the program coordinators contact info.