Re-Joining the community after long silence.
Normally I only post on the boards when there is event related information that I need to pass. However, recently I had one of those moments when I realized that I was so busy in support the community that I had removed myself from the community.
I also realized that the father from the community I got the more I was losing the "joy" of serving. So this is my way of saying that I will be making a more concentrated effort to post and help those in need. After-all that is why I came to ObesityHelp because I knew I wanted to help those who suffered as I had with morbid obesity. I have learned through many errors that this is indeed a journey and we need each other to make it to the end.
With this in mind I will do my best to post daily and help with issues as I can.
Bo McCoy
Outreach and Events Manager
For a list of all events for 2005 go to:
[email protected]
866-957-4636 ext 365
1-832-550-7385 eFax
AIM name: bomccoyOH
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