Update on Jeremy
Hi guys!
With out great detail I will say that I have heard from Robbi and Jeremy seems to be doing much better. He is up in the wheel chair now for long periods of time, and is almost completely off the vent. Still running low grade fevers, but seems to be under control.
He is no longer at OSU, and has been at a rehab facility since April.
He still has his bed sores but they seem to be improving.
Robbi has also found a job and I think things are headed in the right direction. He has a birthday coming up in July!!
Thanks for all the prayers and support. I know it has helped them get through some rough times. What a journey it has been for them.
Take care gang!
That's awesome. I miss seeing them around here at OSU, although I am glad he is out of here! Mixed feelings to be sure. I just came to love them a bunch.
Give everyone a big big hug for me and tell them I am thinking about everyone. I get emails from her every once in a while. Sounds like things are going in a better direction finally.
OMG!!! GEORGIE!!! I thought I had lost you!! How are you? Look at that picture!
I think about you too! How are you feeling? We are going to have to get together sometime. Now that the girls are out of school, my time is a little more free. I will tell you, they keep me hoppin'!
Much love,