Brave me
I finally let my mother and my siblings know that I had the surgery. My sisters were still very hestitant to be supportive, but I got the suprise of my life from my mother. She was happy to see I made it through with no complications and she could tell I had lost a nice amount of weight. But God Love my mom, she had to make some comments that once I lose weight I can find a husband.. Argh.. I had a husband for 19 years, and I am not quite interested in having another unless he is an incredibly special man.
So at least the cat is out of the bag and I can be honest with my family now, and that feels good.
Have a great evening,
Wow Laura, what a big step you took. I am so happy for you. That has to be a load off of you shoulders. She is a mother(no pun intended) lol. Sometimes they can say the darndest things. Now that people know, you can be yourself and take control of your life. Look what you have overcome. That has got to make you feel great. YOu are doing what you set out to do. And that was to take control of your life. Seems like you are doing that. Good LUck, RIchard
Good job Laura!!! I'm glad that it turned out better than you anticipated.
remember we talked about our co-hesitance to tell family...I DID tell my dad (an 83 year old sort of Dr. Phil type physician)...I was really nervous, but he has been completely supportive. I'm not sure he's convinced it's the "thing" to do, but he never mentions anything negative!
We're moving along aren't we?