Have you heard of this?
I called my PCP today to schedule a physical for a medical release for surgery. My PCP who I have seen for fifteen years doesn't do medical releases for ANY surgery and referred me back to the surgeon. They said it is a liability issue. I have never heard of this before. So, who do you go to if not your own doc? Anyone run into this?
I really think you should try to go through your surgeon's office...they will be able to get you in right away.
My surgeon wanted me to see a cardiologist before surgery...this was about 10 days before the surgery! I panicked because I knew I wouldn't be able to get in anywhere as a new patient...not to worry...the office sec. called a number and I got in in 4 days...try it....you may not see some one you want to keep "forever", but at least your surgery won't be held up!
Cathy, Nothing would surprise me at this point from a PCP. I found out after my surgery that my PCP of 21 years has no hospital privledges. If it hadn't been for Dr. Curry acting like both my PCP and my surgeon, I probably would have died. It amazes me how we find out things like this when we really need them. I looked all winter and finally had an appt. this week with a different PCP. He is the one that my husband sees. I really hated to change, but felt like I had no choice. Good Luck. Debra