Update on Laura M.
Hi All - I am home from the hsopital. Thanks for Chris for coming to visit with me. She's been so sweet to me and lord I think I was higher than a kite when she was in to see me, so I hope I didn't make too bad of an impression.
I really am not that upset about having the open. I only wish I didn't have 7 incisions and then the big open incisions. Lots of nice places to scar up on me. I did really well in regards to my recovery thus far. I do tend to want to over medicate, but then I can push myself more. I had one nurse on the floor who was new and she was a bit cranky about me using my pump. So I quit and the pain got control of me...not a good thing.
I did see a girl that was in my surgery over view class so that was really nice. She also had open. I will write more later. Take care everyone!