OSU Support Meeting 4/6 WOW!
I just got home from the OSU Support Group meeting. All I can say is WOW!! Bo McCoy was awesome. Bo you really hit home on many things tonight. Almost had me in tears because of so many bad memories.
It was great to meet some of you that come on here. Valerie and Earl, I am so glad I finally met you both. Cheryl and Bo.. I am so happy that you found one another.. you make a great couple. I look forward to the next meeting already.
Thanks again Bo, your words are very inspiring to those of us that are pre-op.
Did you get the directions on how to get there? This was my second one and it was great. I really needed something as positive as this right now. I am still a pre-op in waiting myself. I should have my surgery soon. Please come and join us and if you need directions I can tell you how to get there.. Just let me know