Yes this is hilarious but my Mom thought it was awful to wear sunglasses anytime other than during the heat of summer. She'd say, "Don't be so lazy, stop trying to be so hollywood - grow up, just squint a little!" Of course, that was back before they decided sunlight was so "deadly," we grew up basking in the sun every chance we got!
Kitty B.
My dad made up stupid names for food...he is a big goofball. Well, he always called this one side dish hog rotten potatos. I was about 14 when I realized they were augratin. I felt really stupid. The other thing was, when I was growing up we were never allowed to let the dishwasher go thru the dry cycle as it "wasted too much electricity." I have since realized that a)it doesn't use that much electric and b)after letting it run thru the dry cycle I don't have to use two dish towels drying every damn di****hought that maybe the dishwashers of the 70's probably just weren't as efficient as todays-but mom and dad still don't let the diswasher run thru drying. Oh well..