michelle passed away last night at about 2:30am. she is at peace with our lord and not suffering anymore. the last 2 weeks were rough but now she is resting peacefully. we need to thank god for lifting her up to peace and serentiy. michelle parent's thank you all for your love and support during the trying days. love to all and god bless. jennifer her angel
Jennifer, I am so sorry to hear about Michelle's death. You were a great angel for her and I appreciated your updates. I will pray for Michelle's family and for you as well. I know you had written about survivor's guilt at one time and I certainly hope you aren't experiencing this. God certainly has a big plan, it's just frustrating for us to not know or understand what it is. I am glad Michelle is no longer suffering. Thanks for being there for her family too.
Jennifer, I am so sorry to hear about Michelle's death. You were a great angel for her and I appreciated your updates. I will pray for Michelle's family and for you as well. I know you had written about survivor's guilt at one time and I certainly hope you aren't experiencing this. God certainly has a big plan, it's just frustrating for us to not know or understand what it is. I am glad Michelle is no longer suffering. Thanks for being there for her family too.