1 Month Post-OP
Good evening to all who are checking out this wonderful site. I am not 1 month Post op and down 43.6 lbs. I am excited. Although I cannot notice it other people say they can. I tried to Post a couple pics before/after(1month). Looking at the pictures I really still cant tell, but the weight is coming off that is all I know. I have been very blessed and want to thank god, that I have had no complications.
It is amazing, not even the smallest incision infection. I am pleased with my journey so far. It does suck
not being able to eat what I want but I need to just realize that it is a life change. The only problems I am having is with eating. I make sure that everything that I eat has a ton of protien. Friday night and last night were my worst experiences since the surgery.
Friday I had some no sugar added Ice cream Butter Pecan, just about a 1/4 cup. About 15 minutes later I felt like I was coming down with the Flu. I dumped hardcore, I thought that I was going to die. And then Last night I had chicken breast filets for the Cracker Barrel, about 5inches long and an inch wide. They served me three off of the Kids menu, and I had two and a half, they were great...well about an hour later they came up.
I must have overate????? Everyday is a trial and error thing, the last two days have been error ridden. I hope that this week is a start of a good one for me. Let me know you guys/gals' thoughts. I value your opinion. Have a great day and Thank for all of the support.
Some days are like that - trial and error! When I was a month post op, I went with a high school marching band to Florida. I found I had no problems with chicken from a chicken Whopper junior. Baked potatos worked , but I stayed away from fries. Some people have a hard time digesting chicken, some have problems with beef. Two and a half fillets might have been too much. Your best bet is to stick with "plain" foods for awhile. Chicken without breading, baked potato or mashed potatoes, soft cooked vegetables, and so forth. Try not to get too adventurous just yet. A lot of people say they tolerate Wendy's chili early on, though. Stay away from bread, rice and pasta for awhile.(At 27 months out, I still sometimes have problems with pasta!)I could not keep eggs down early on, but have no problems now. Things will change, so just take it easy on yourself for a while yet!
I know how you feel. It is one day at a time. I can tell you my worst food. Annie Annes Pretzels/ Not even a bite. I am six months out and they totally blow up in your stomach. Such a lump from two small bites. No more. I still cant eat bread from a restaurant. Toast is o.k. I really think you ate to much, I am 6 months out and still cant eat like that.I probably could eat only one at the most. Be careful and eat slowly enough that you give yourself a chance to feel full. It is a total learning experience. The hardest part is not being able to eat like we are used to. Sometimes it really gets to me when I want something and I am to full to eat it lol.Thats what we knew when we started this adventure. I am at a standstill for the last 2 months, 84lbs. I feel thinner finally but it is very hard for us to tell. Good luck and keep us informed. Love,Cindy
I know the feeling. I ate one barbqued rib (no sauce) on Saturday night and i thought I was going to die for 3 hours. It was awful! This was the first time a solid food has made me sick. It just kept rolling up my throat and FINALLY I managed to
when I got home. I instantly felt better. Will not be having any of those again. I am assuming that even though it looked lean it must have had too much fat in it.