Update on Jeremy
This was posted from his wife
hiya everyone. i'll try to keep this as short as possible. jeremy is doing wonderfully. his white blood count is up to 17,000 (infection still in his lungs), but that is the only bad thing. his fever has been gone, he has been keeping down his koolaid and baby food well (but still VERY little... like, 5 bites in a whole day), his heart rate is around 120, his blood pressure is great, he tried the trache mask for 5 minutes today, they are keeping him off dialisist for another week to see how he does, and today i walked in and his dry-erase board had questions for the nurses written on it! two days ago he made a little scribble that was totally unreadable! best news yet... muscarella said he sees no reason to go back inside of jeremy... he may not wash him out or anything! also, he thinks he may not have to give jeremy the ng tube for feeding either... he's giving jeremy more time to work on keeping down his foods. i'm so happy. we decided to go back to the red roof inn for now. tomorrow i'll speak with the social worker and see if i can work anything out. now, something Really cute: i asked jeremy to draw me a picture tonight... and he drew me 3 distorted cats! how cute! and at the bottom he wrote "love ya, jeremy". so i told him to draw something for his mom and he drew here a flower. that is so wonderful! i read him some poems from shel silverstein and then it was time to go. so, prayers are working. tonight jeremy is relaxing, watching tv and drinking koolaid from his sippy cup (which he can now open, put ice into, shake it up, and give to himself). one of you wrote to me and said that suddenly one day you had a turn around... i sure hope this was ours. thank you all again and i'll try to keep you posted on his Recovery!
I am sooo happy to hear that Jeremy is doing so well.. God hears all of our prayers. Can you imagine how many people say Jeremy Norman in their prayers to our wonderful God every day? It's amazing, and shows you what God can and will do. Keep up your strength and faith. He will be home before long. That's what we all want to see!! God bless you! Angela