Hello, all.
I am just getting started on the road/titlefight for WLS. I've done a lot of research (thanks Tame 101 for the headsup about this site!) and I've pretty much decided on what I want.
My hope is to have lap band surgery although my insurer is Anthem and their policy is worded pretty weirdly.
I've tried just about everything else there is and I find that I now weigh more than I ever have in my entire life - even when I was pregnant!
Hopefully, I have enough determination and grit to wear those folks at Anthem down. Any advice you may have will be very much appreciated.
Soon to be a healthier me,
Welcome to the board, Lily. The whole idea of wls can be pretty overwhelming, so you've come to the right place to ask questions and get support. Be sure to let us know if you have questions. We're all in different places in our wls journey, so I know you can get answers here.
Good luck and welcome!