Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!
As human beings,
We are a diverse group of people.
We come in many colors, shapes and sizes.
We come from different cultures,
speak different languages,
live different life styles
and practice different religions.
Yet, no matter who we are, one thing remains constant:
We all look forward to the Winter Holidays.
By some, they are called Christmas or Hanukkah.
By others, Winter Solstice, Yule or Kwanzaa.
Each Celebration is a little different,
but the main ideas are the same.
The Holidays provide us with a time for
Thanksgiving and Praise,
reflection, resolution and gift giving.
Most important, though, is the welcoming of
the healing powers
of the warmth of family and friends.
And gives us a common ground that draws us together as
One People.
Happy Holidays Every one! Keep Safe and warm! and ENJOY!!! !Deb