Feeling a little anxious
I don't know why, but the last day or so I've been feeling kind of anxious about my upcoming surgery. Not really scared, but kind of, I don't know, sort of nervous or like I have a weird feeling in my stomach. I don't even have a for sure set date yet. Maybe around the middle of Jan. if everything goes well. I think that's just it. Everything hasn't been going all that well really. I had a simple test that should have been in and out and I ended up spending the night and most of the next day in the hospital. And that was just a test. How will I do with major surgery??
One of my co-workers (the brutally honest kind) told me that I currently dress "frumpy" and the clothes I wear make me look drab and frumpy. What if I can't dress, so I lose all this weight and physically look better but I still dress frumpy. I know my health will be better for the surgery (hopefully), but it would be nice to look some better too.
I just keep thinking if I have this many obsessions this far away from surgery....................
Barbara....first BREATH IN....BREATH OUT.... Ok, now, nerves are common, we all do it, we all have been there and man just sitting here reading that reminds me of how it felt and I am having the butterflies with you.
Just remember, there are things we have no control over. Everything that is meant to be will be. Anxiety is a built in mechanism to protect us, it keeps us alert to potential danger. Sometimes is goes a little overboard. So, just try to center yourself, sometimes a little meditation is a good thing. Picture yourself, think of a successful surgery and how you are going to feel in the future when the weight is off.
While I can appreciate the "brutal honesty" thing, basically how you dress is your business not any body elses! And believe me when the weight comes off you will have a lot more confidence in yourself and be able to wear what you want to and tell everyone else to kiss the pooper!! You be who YOU are and be happy with that, frumpy or not!!
Take care, we are here with you and love you no matter what the outer person looks like...remember WE know what that is like!