I soooooo sad and depressed!!!!!!
I was suppose to have surgery on Monday Dec 6th at 6am, I got cancelled because my Iron was low. This makes me very sad. I don't know when I'm going to get rescheuled. The doctor is booked way out in Feb. So you know where that leaves me. I'm taking iron pills and vitamin C to get my iron up. Do anyone have any suggestions on how to get my iron up or how long will it take to get it back up? Please help me!!!!!!
Hi Vickie,
I know that's a hard one to take, but you should be glad that was caught before surgery. It is scary to have someone bleed with low iron. You think you are tired now, oh my gosh after surgery you would have been a hot mess.
Take your iron with some form of vitamin C, preferrably orange juice. Did they put you on a slow absorbing iron? Just curious. Also, get some good prenatal vitamins with C in them. Vitamin C is water soluble, meaning that you pass a lot of it out in your body via urine, etc. So beefing up on the C to help the iron absorb will be ok. It will help with the cold and flu season too. Try to really hit the iron rich foods too. Don't forget cabbage, it is a good one that a lot of people forget about.
Hang in there, you will be glad you got your iron up before you have surgery. Trust me on that one. Did they talk about maybe some injections to help boost it at all? Sorry, 20 questions! That's the research nurse in me I guess!
Take care, we will keep praying for you! Just remember everything happens for a reason.
Big Hug!
Hi Vicki,
I'm so sorry to hear your surgery was cancelled for monday.... I know you were so looking forward to it. Hopefully it won't be long till you get that iron where it should be.
Have you asked them if you can get on a cancellation list.. like when your iron is right.. maybe you can fill a spot when there is someone else that has to cancel their surgery.. just a thought
hang in there gal... we're here for you !!
hope to see u at the meeting monday night !!!