On My Way
Good morning everyone! How is my little web based family doing this am? I was up and running before the alarm even went off today. I have my bags packed and I am as ready as I'm going to get for this. I will be walking out the door in a few minutes.
My surgery is at 12:15 at Mount Carmel West. Hopefully I will be back on here at the end of this week sharing about my experience. Thanks Margo for being my sweet angel
and thanks everyone else for your encouraging words.
I'll see y'all on the losing side.
Hugs & more hugs,
Glad I got back in time to wish you the best of luck on your surgery. I know you have waited for a long time but now you will the ready for those changes that will come your way.
I have you dish clothes done. Will try to get them in the mail this week. It sure helped having them to work on on the plane.
The wedding was beautiful and I didn't want to come home-especially when it was 90 there.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.