Shaky Shaky Nerves!
As my date gets closer, I find myself excited but yet my nerves are shot! Not a feeling I am accustomed to as I am very mu*****ontrol of myself 99% of the time. I'm confident in my surgeon's abilities so that is not my fear. Did anyone else have these sudden and unexpected cases of the shakes? How did you handle them? Its getting harder for me to control my emotions at work, not a good thing when you have a kick a** reputation like I do. I don't need to get weepy when I am dealing with people trying to get out of trouble and all I want to do is go.....aaahhh its okay, when I need to stay focused and do the job that I am being paid to do! HELP!!!!
Hi Cathy...
Sandra here from Villa Hills, remember me? I know exactly how you feel. I tried to tell myself I was 'cool' with everything and it would be a breeze, but always in the back of my mind was a nagging doubt that just about drove me looney tunes. I would get the shakes and my heart would start beating real fast. This worked for me. I just closed my eyes and started breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth in very long breaths. If you have to do something like counting numbers or anything to occupy your mind, do it. Deep breathing does relax you.
I have not heard from you since I got out of the hospital, is everything else ok?
Hey there Cathy!
I know what ya mean about those cruddy nerves kicking in
. Mine are going full speed ahead. I have been a woman obsessed when it comes to getting all my Duckies in a row. Hang in there. You'll be done with the yucky part of this journey soon and on your way to being a healthier you. I'll be praying for you all the way. If you need to talk feel free to send me an e-mail.
24 days and a wake up
Hi Jaimee,
These nerves are a pain in my butt and head! If I had any duckies in a row, I would alternate between kicking them across the room or hugging them to death! I am excited about a new me, can't wait to walk the mall again, or sit my niece's kids on my lap(when I have one of course), but these nerves can take a hike! Thanks for your concern.