okay next question?
Hi Cheryl,
Well I was told prior to surgery that they would be able to tape over my rings, since they would not come off... (I had them sized down after i had lost 150 pounds on phen/fen. Then I had worn them during my weight gain of 150 plus... after I came off phen/fen ) I knew to ask ahead of time, since i knew they were stuck on me ! WELL.. fast forward to day of surgery...
"Oh yes your rings have to come off"!!!! WHAT??? They ended up cutting off my wedding ring/ and band .... it's a mess (still). I was so upset.
So, if you decided to leave your piercings in, be prepared to be told they have to be removed the day of surgery.
Good Luck !
I forgot how small your eyebrow ring is... My sister Mandy, got some fishin' line or something like it that was a thicker type string and used it. You can put the real thing back in after you are out of the O.R. We popped her's back in after her heart surgery. The ones that still fit anyway but, she didn't have anything in the holes to keep them open. She just took a chance. Generally, if you've had them done long enough, they'll stay open. I can leave my tongue empty for about 12 hours now with no trouble and I know some of your's have been in longer than mine.
Yep they gotta go! I am an RN at OSU and I will do you one better and tell you why...
During surgeries they use a piece of equipment called a "bovie", it is an electrical cauterizing tool. Having peices of metal in your body can cause arcing and burns. Not pretty.
Also, for those of you with tongue piercings, anesthesia needs to put down an ET tube, and can rip those suckers right out, you could choke on the pieces...etc..
I have no personal issues against piercings, my one daughters belly button is pierced, the other has an industrial in her right ear, and my son is gauging out his ear, I would love to get a belly button after my tt if I ever have that.
It is just for your safety. The greatest piercing story I have from labor and delivery is when my patient had a genital piercing, couldn't reach it because of her big belly, without missing a beat looked at her mom and asked if she would get it out... at that point, I just gave them some privacy!
Overshare I know, but I thought it was funny.