31 days and a wake up!
Hi Guys,
I know I haven't been posting much on here. I hope you don't think I diched ya'll. I am in get-down-to-business-mode right now. Yikes it is going to be November in a few days. I can't believe my surgery date is approaching so quickly! I am doing everything I can to get prepared. What are some things you did or are doing to make the process go smoothly? I have been doing little things around here to get ready. it reminds me of when I was nesting at the end of my pregnancies. I feel like it all has to be in order. I can check another item off the list tomorrow after the class parties at the kids' school. I have been busy preparing everything for the little folks to have a grand old time. I just have to figure out a costume for myself. I can't go in plain clothes --- it wouldn't be as much fun for them. If you have a quick and easy costume idea that would be appropriate for a large size lady, please feel free to share. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
working, shopping and preparing special papers (durable power of attorney, etc)
Trying to NOT think to hard about it all or I'd get nothing accomplished and I have to not leave loose ends here at work or I'll come back to chaos. Since I'm taking a week vacation the week before surgery I'll have plenty of time to stress out...lol (my time does not rollover from year to year so I am taking this week off, for ME) My year is up on the 23rd so I'll only be able to use 1 medical day of this calendar year for surgery and go into next years medical days for healing time.
Hi Jaimee,
I also have been trying to get things in order. I am slowly marking off my list. I have to go on a 10 liquid diet on Nov 2
So I am trying to get things ready for that. I have bought pleanty of broth and Fruit 2 O, I have just recently ordered Non-flavored Unjury, I have my adkins shake. I got all the summer clothes put away and winter ones out. Now I just have to find a good bag to take to hospital. Something on wheels. I am starting to get quite anxious. I would like to have a list of items that I should take to the hospital so I have been closely watching post on here.. I wish you luck
God Bless
Jackie C
Me personally as far as getting ready....I've been bugging JCannon on what to do! She's been my life savior the last couple of weeks! Other then that, I'm trying to get my office cleared of everything so that when I go back, I won't be backlogged! I'm so nervous that its hard for me to concentrate on much of anything!!! C'mon 11-16-04 and get this over with!
Hi Jaimee,
I am so excited for you. I am doing ok. I have lost 11lbs in 4 weeks. I bought a treadmill. It is really helping. I am going to try to come and see you at the hospital. After you have your surgery we can discuss trying to start our little support group.
You take care and I will talk to you soon.