Info Session Reminder
Hi Guys!
Just a reminder that OSU is offering free info sessions on Bariatric Surgery at various different YMCA locations. The first one taking place next week. You do not have to be a member to the YMCA!! Tell your neighbors, wake the kids!
This will be a really informative meeting. Support people are encouraged and welcomed!
If anyone wants more information you can either call Shannon Surber at 614-293-2888 option 3 or email me for a flyer. You also need to let Shannon know if you are planning to attend.
There will be a surgeon, a nutritionist, the program director and a successful patient there to speak with you and answer questions!
Take care,
Valerie, Do you know if these seminars might be coming to the YMCA in Youngstown? I know I can get to that YMCA. I would like to attend this seminar. I have a 13 year-old daughter and she is asking me alot of questions and I'm not sure how to answer them. I want to be honest with her but I also don't want to scare her. -Becky Dombrosky
That, I honestly couldn't answer. Your best bet would be to call Shannon Surber at OSU. Her number is 614-293-2888 option #3. I will email her and see if she can let me know anything.
I have two daughters who were 13 and 14 when I had my surgery. They had a lot of questions. I just tried to be honest with them, but the unknown is just as scary for them as it is us!
Good luck in your journey, and I will try to find something out for you.
Hi Julie!
I am so glad you are going! I am scheduled to speak at the Grove City one, so I most likely won't be at the Hilliard one. I do know the other people who are speaking at other areas and they are all awesome!
I hope you enjoy it! We have a great team at OSU. We have a great program too!
Take care!