???Question of the Day???
Has anybody went to sit down in a chair post-op and thought I will not fit in that and then prepared to squeeze yourself in and then you sit down and there is plenty of room? It is like my butt width perception is off. I have done this more than once. It still amazes me each time it happens. I wonder when my eyes and brain are going to catch up with my butt width. HA HA Cheryl
Butt width perception....I LOVE THAT!!
OMG yes. Especially at the movies. Earl and I do a lot of movies, and the first time I sat down and felt like I was just swallowed by the chair it was awesome! And, at my kids school functions. You know those great auditorium seats that are sized for kids??? I sat down in one at the last assembly, and I fit!!! WOOOO HOOO!!! Isn't that great? I love this surgery, I love this life!!!
That was a great question!
Oh, and btw, when your eyes catch up with your butt, let me know...cuz I gotta see that!!!
BWP is surely off for us former super morbidly obese folks. I know that after my recent plastic surgery my perception was radically changed with the rear lift. Of course no matter how small the rear side gets nobody has ever invited a hospital gown that covers even the smallest little touchie.