having a test
Hi Brandy!
It is endoscopy, but don't sweat the spelling! Medical terms are real boogers to spell. The pronounciation is even better... en dos co pee.
It is a fairly simple procedure that shouldn't take very long. Basically you will be give some IV sedatives usually versaid and demerol. You will get drowsy and actually won't remember much. The versaid actually causes you to have amnesia...thank goodness. They usually put a bite guard in your mouth for you to put your teeth on and it serves as a guide for the scope as well. Some docs use some numbing medicine for the back of your throat. Some do not. You will be in la la land by the time they put the scope down. Basically you wake up in a relatively short amount of time, and usually are in and out within a couple of hours total.
I am not sure if that is all you are having done. Sometimes if they need to do biopsies or take pictures it may take a little longer but not by much. I have had a couple, and they are fairly simple easy procedures.
Hope this helps! Good luck!
Valerie Curry, RN