What if you already see a psych dr for depression?
My psych had no problems at all with this (I'm BP). In fact, he just had a brief discussion with me consisting of "Have you ever been bulimic? Anorexic?" Um...Doc, look at me. What do you think? Has food ever left my body other than the normal route?
Your psych already knows your OCD tendencies or other peculiarities. He/She is the ideal person to do the evaluation. My doc just sent a letter 2 days after my regular appointment, no extra appointment date or additional test charges.
My doc didn't know enough about it and wrote a short 2 paragraph letter that didn't fly with the insurance. I ended up going to Dr. Kramer at OSU and he deals with evals for this all the time. He was very through and gave me a glowing review. I was a bit concerned because I am treated and use meds but he gave me a glowing review. If for some reason you need to get one somewhere else I would recommend him. Good luck to you.
Where do you plan to have your surgery? At OSU, there was a specific protocol that they wanted the psychologist to use (certain questions, etc.) and the report he prepared had to address these. Check with your surgeon's insurance coordinator. I would think your normal psych could do it as long as s/he used the necessary evaluation protocol. Good luck!