Back from surgery and doing fine!
I got home from the hospital on Sept. 4 and am doing better except for constant pressure in my chest. Every time I take a sip or bite it gets worse. Other than that I am feeling pretty ok. The surgery went good. All I remember is climbing onto the operating table then waking up later that nite! Wow that is sure some good knockout stuff!
I did not need the morphine as the pain was not that bad. They did have to take my iv out early as we found out I am extremely allergic to the tape they used. My arm swelled up and turned beet red! I am up and walking and doing all I am supposed to be doing. It is hard getting enough protein and fluids in me as most everything is making me gag. I have found broth and tomato juice to be almost the only things tolerable for now. Thanks for all the warm thoughts everyone has sent me. God bless!