OT: Today's poll just for fun
Hi all! I thought I would throw out another survey just for us to get to know eachother. Today's question is (drumroll please) ......
If you had $1,000,000 what would you do with it?
First thing I would do is Donate some to my favorite charities, the Huntington's disease foundation, NAMI, and Kober endowment fund. Then I would pay off my bills and get out of debt. I would stock some away for retirement, Finish off my workshop where I do most of my artwork, Set up a fund for each of my children for college and probably replace our cars that are in questionable condition. Then I would take my extended family on a great vacation. And, of course there would have to be a fund set up to put my girls back where they belong after my weight copmes off.LOL
1st thing I would do would give to my church.
Next I would pay bills off, plan a looong vacation to somewhere tropical. Hawaii's my dream vacation.
Put away money for my sons college and then buy me a house straight out.
A car.
Put away for my retirement.
Fix what's gone south... and is loose and jiggly after surgery
FIrst thing i would do is pay off our house and all our bills.....than i would give to our church.....find my mom a different house to live in (hers is falling down)....set up funds for our 3 kids....and then help out our families......maybe take a vacation cause we have never been on one...The rest we would save for retirement.........
I would buy a new house and pay off my bills. I would set up a college fund for my daughter and take her to Disney in Florida and maybe in Paris. I would give to the Gordon's Gift of Life Program. It is a program that helps people who cannot afford IVF and it helps people pay. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have my daughter. I think I would also get a TT when the time comes and lift and add to my "girls" too.
I may also take some time off work. I have always wanted to be a SAHM but have never been finacially been able to. At least a couple of years.
ok, i had to leave at 1200 and think about this for a while.
well i would first pay off all my medical bills!!!!! they have accumilated over the years.
second pay off my house and brothers
pay for my college and also set up a fund for my new neice thats a month old.
fourth buy a man. just kidding!!!!!!
help my girlfriend from texas buy a new house here in ohio near me.
i still would work, because i love caring for other people. would anyone else continue to work?
then whats left over, if there is any, put the rest into a retirement plan.
thanks for a good thought provoking question jaimee.
I would donate to several charities, give to my church
Pay off all my bills
Buy a vacation home in Colorado (in the mountains) and in the South (where I can watch the ocean waves come in)
Buy a condo here and get rid of my big house.
Pay off all my children's homes.
Give them money
Set up trust funds for my 6 grandchildren
Go to IReland for 2 mos to do genealogy
Go to Germany for 2 mos to do genealogy
Buy truck with Camper--go visiting with travel clubs
taking the grandkids one at a time with the metal detector for fun.
Quit my job and become a "Rockin' Grandma for the Children's Hospital Neonatal Unit.
Travel to China, Russia, Australia, Hawii
Volunteer in grandchildren's classrooms
Set up college funds for five of them and pay for the 6th who is already in college.
Keep visiting my friends on the Lap Band Forum wherever I am and may visit a few if I'm in their area.
Complete genealogy books on all the families in our line.
Have all my 8mm movies transferred to DVD's with copies for each child.
And if there's anything left put it in the retirement fun so I can do more travel if I chose to.
Not sure if $1m is enough